Adda Mihailescu

Since 1995, when she started her career with the Beaverbrook Art Gallery, Adda has shared her passion for art and art education by creating engaging programs, resources, and experiences for audiences of all ages.
Adda has developed teachers’ resource kits and teachers’ institutes, special programs for Francophone and Indigenous communities, and has developed many community events, projects, and exhibitions.
Her research and special interests include visual literacy, special programs for new audiences, engaging the community, and opening minds about new art and art education perspectives, and always finding new ways to make art and the Gallery an essential part of one’s life.
What led you to
your current work as the Manager of Public Program for the BAG?
I started in education and programming at the BAG in January 1997 and have continued to work and build this team to this day!
How did your training and experience help you to create and innovate in your work?
Gallery/museum education is quite different than classroom art education. I had no experience in working in an art gallery when I started here, but I had plenty of experience working with visual arts concepts, art history and young learners. It also helped that I really liked people and their stories. Staying open minded to new ideas, and learning with great mentors, artists and collaborators in the field is what helped me create and innovate in my work.

What stimulates you most about your role?
The constantly changing content and perspectives: the new art, new stories, new ways of looking and seeing familiar art. Always exciting new ideas to work with! Every time I discover a new exhibition of work of art, I feel the kind of excitement that comes with opening a gift. That never gets old 😊.
How has living and working in New Brunswick helped and/or inspired you on your journey?
The rich art and social history of New Brunswick, and the ease of connecting with artists, educators, collaborators, and teachers are essential for an art educator. Also, the spectacular beauty of this province and its people will always inspire me in my work.
What motivates you in your daily tasks?
Getting people to discover new art or new ways of processing and connecting with art motivates me every day!

Why do you think it's important to make art and pursue an artistic career?
Because without art there would be no stories, no magic, no life.
What have you learned about yourself and New Brunswick's artistic community through your role?
I have learned how rich, varied, and exciting the artistic community around the province is, and I have learned that it is that sense of excitement about the art made here that drives me.
What do you think is the impact of artists' work on communities and the province as a whole?
I feel that the impact of artists’ work on communities and the province is being valued, considered, and respected more today than ever. Whether public art or performance art, it is what defines us as a community, and it is what expresses our collective values.
Describe what you are most proud of in your career.
I am very proud of the impact the gallery’s programs have had on our communities of artists and viewers of all ages.

What advice would you give to people who want to pursue a career in the arts?
Connect with your peers, learn with your mentors, and listen to the community – this will keep you informed, excited, and on track!
What is the meaning of art for you?
Art is in the myriad moments of magic surrounding every story, every poem, every painting ever created or told.