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Government of New Brunswick

Sylvie Boulianne

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Sylvie Boulianne, photo: Amber D'Entremont

Sylvie Boulianne, from Baie Sainte-Marie in Nova Scotia, is a singer-songwriter whose music harmoniously blends traditional elements of her region with folk and pop nuances. Her EP "Desfois c'est moi", released in April 2023, earned her the Découverte de l'Année award at the Prix Musique NB, and a nomination for the Découverte de l'année award at the Éloizes. With her haunting voice and heartfelt compositions, she captivates hearts and minds, embracing her heritage while asserting her place in the contemporary musical landscape. She resides on the unceded traditional territory of the Wolastoqiyik and Mi'kmaq peoples / Moncton New Brunswick.

What drew you to music?

I was very lucky growing up because I was always surrounded by music. My parents were musicians and they passed on their love and passion for this art to me. My family were always very encouraging and supported me in my dream of making music my profession.

How have your training and experiences helped you to create and innovate in your artistic practice?

I studied classical singing, which helped me to develop good vocal control and broaden my musical horizons. I've also always been a big fan of traditional and folk music, so I've been able to create my own style from all my experiences.

What stimulates you most about your practice?

The fact that I'm always learning and evolving, bringing happiness to people, or some other perspective that they might not have thought of.

How has living and working in New Brunswick helped and/or inspired you on your journey?

New Brunswick is very inspiring, with its wide-open spaces, beautiful beaches, and nature. Living in a beautiful, diverse community gives me lots of new points of view that always help me to move forward in my creative practice.

What drives your creativity?

Many things! I'm driven by what surrounds me: people, nature, the sea, events in my life.

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Sylvie Boulianne, photo: Amber D'Entremont

How does the creative process work?

For me it's never very linear, and it can vary, but sometimes I have a melody that pops into my head, or sometimes I have ideas for lyrics first. It can take me a long time to finish songs because I don't have the right words or the right chord progression.

What is your long-term vision and what do you hope to achieve?

I hope to be able to make music and live from it full-time. I'd like to release more albums and play lots of festivals and big venues around the world.

What have you learned about yourself and the artistic community through your work?

I've learned that it's very important for me to create, whether through music or in some other way, and that I'm a sensitive and resilient person. I've also learned that it's extremely difficult to make a living in the arts because there's such a lack of financial support.

What do you think is the impact of artists' work in communities?

The impact is immense. Artists are always present in every facet of life, offering a different way of expressing emotions. Artists have the power to change things.

Describe what you are most proud of in your career.

Playing at the Éloizes gala was a great experience with incredible musicians and a crack team of technicians!

What advice would you give to people who want to get into music?

It's very difficult, but you must persevere and not be afraid to put yourself out there!

Where can we follow your work?

Banner image by Amber D'Entremont

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